Its been quite a long time in the making, but the latest mix cd is now finished. Its a little step away from some of the previous cds as it reflects some changes in my listening recently.
The funky, fluffy house tracks have been replaced by a bouncier style of house which then mixes into Electro / Progressive house.
Hope you enjoy it, I know a lot of people will be disappointed with the change of direction, but I needed to do something fresh.
Click the cover image to view the tracklist.
Read and add comments Back to topThis is a small post just to thank all my "beta testers" (you know who you are), for finding all the bugs in my new site :(
Ive fixed them now and also added an RSS link for the Worth Visiting links. Dont forget that if you used the old RSS link, you will need to update it to the new one because some of the links have changed.
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Yup. Its finally finished, after two months of "on & off" coding and designing. What am I talking about? Didnt you notice the new design?
The new design is more robust than the old, I could have just created a new stylesheet to give the site a fresh look, but the underlying site was full of outdated, inefficient code (as this one probably will be when I decide to replace it).
So whats new? Well for a start, click the "read more" link below and i'll tell you...
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Ive been trying out Mozilla's Camino this week. Camino is a web browser by the Mozilla foundation created solely for Mac OS X, meaning that it is a native application not a conversion. It features the same Gecko rendering engine that Firefox uses with a big difference... its faster. A LOT faster.
I was impressed when i discovered the G5 build of Firefox because of its speed, but that is nothing compared to the rendering speed of Camino. On our work connection, pages load instantly. No waiting around for images to load or any of that, just Kerbaam!, heres your webpage.
It looks a bit ugly when you first start it up, in fact it looks like it has Windows XP icons (yuck!) on the toolbar, but this can be quickly fixed by downloading a copy of Caminicon, a theme application for camino and Jon Hicks' fantastic theme set. After applying John's theme, the application looks and behaves like it belongs in Mac OS X.
I was also pleasantly surprised that it didnt break any pages that i had written for Internet Explorer or Firefox, not surprising really since I assume it uses virtually the same rendering engine as Firefox. In fact, im adding this blog entry from Camino.
The feature set provided by Camino is a bit basic, for instance im a bit annoyed that I can't click an image and return its properties like I can in other browsers. It has tab browsing which works just as well as with other modern browsers such as Firefox or Safari and also shares the convenient google search box with these browsers. Popup blocking is also included of course and appears to work well.
Because camino is a native Cocoa application, it has access to the OS keychain to share your passwords and also supports Apple's rendezvous.
Its simple and never claims to be anything else, quoting the mozilla website "Camino practices the art of simplicity with an uncluttered user interface...". I'm going to keep using this for a while now, it's pretty amazing for a beta application.
Ive recently been pointed to a newly released G5 build of the Camino browser, which is optimised for Apple's 64bit processors. This version is even faster than the standard version and is definitely worth a shot if you have a G5.